some friends have been asking me, do u feel more relax in your college life if compare to middle school..?? my answer definitely is YES, cos I am now taken only 4 subjects, what do you think?hehe...anyway, life is full of challenges, that’s what makes it so interesting, rite?
also, some friends have been asking why Inti?? here's my answer....
- because i like Inti
- the Semenster here is longer if compare to other Uni, which also means the school day is more
- with more school day, then i will be able to complete my course early
- the environment here is good & suitable for study
- the staffs here are friendly, pleasant, helpful, courteous and professional
if any of you interested to come over, to join us here....please do let me know, i will be happy to assist you if i can...hehe ^^
due to slight changes in my schedule this year, what a pity that i won't be able to go back to my drama class anymore...really miss the time & session we practised together...miss you all !!!